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GhostLab Action Explanations 

While Adding or Editing New Test Case, you need to select the appropriate action for each step. All the available actions are explained below:

  1. Click: Simulates a mouse click on a specified element. Use it to interact with buttons, links, and other clickable elements. 
  2. Double Click: Simulates a double-click on an element. Use it when the application requires double-clicking to trigger a specific action. 
  3. Right Click: Simulates a right-click (context click) on an element. Useful for testing context menus or other right-click actions. 
  4. Mouse Over: Simulates moving the mouse pointer over an element. Useful to test hover effects or to reveal hidden elements that appear on hover. 
  5. Clear Text: Clears the text from an input field. Use it when you need to reset or modify the text in an input field. 
  6. SendKeys: Simulates typing text into an input field. Use it to input text in form fields, search boxes, etc. 
  7. Check Checkboxes: Checks a checkbox element. Use it to mark a checkbox as selected. 
  8. Uncheck Checkboxes: Unchecks a checkbox element. Use it to deselect a checkbox. 
  9. Submit Form: Submits a form element. Useful for testing form submissions without needing to click a submit button. 
  10. Select Option from Dropdown: Selects an option from a dropdown menu. Use it to test selection of various options in a select element. 
  11. Upload File: Simulates a file upload by selecting a file from the local system. Use it to test file input fields. 
  12. ScrollIntoView: Scrolls the page until the specified element is in view. Useful when elements are not visible in the current viewport. 
  13. Scroll to Window: Scrolls the window to a specific position. Use it to test behavior when scrolling to a certain part of the page. 
  14. Go To URL: Navigates the browser to a specified URL. Useful to start testing from a particular page. 
  15. Go Back: Navigates back to the previous page in the browser’s history. Use it to test the behavior of the “back” button. 
  16. Go Forward: Navigates forward in the browser’s history. Use it to test the “forward” navigation after using “go back.” 
  17. Refresh Page: Reloads the current page. Useful for testing page refresh behaviors and persistence of state. 
  18. Element Exist: Checks if a specified element exists on the page. Use it to verify that an element is present in the DOM. 
  19. Element Does Not Exist: Checks if a specified element is not present on the page. Use it to ensure an element has been removed from the DOM. 
  20. Element Is Visible: Verifies if an element is visible on the page. Useful for checking whether elements are correctly displayed to the user. 
  21. Element Is Not Visible: Verifies if an element is not visible on the page. Use it to ensure elements are hidden or not accessible to users. 
  22. Element Is Enabled: Checks if an element is enabled (interactive). Useful for testing elements that should be active, like buttons. 
  23. Element Is Disabled: Checks if an element is disabled (non-interactive). Useful for validating that an element cannot be interacted with. 
  24. Element Has Value: Checks if an element has a specific value. Use it to verify input fields or text areas contain expected values. 
  25. Element Has CSS Property with Value: Verifies that an element has a particular CSS property set to a specific value. Useful for testing styling rules. 
  26. Validate Page Title: Checks if the current page title matches the expected title. Use it to verify you are on the correct page. 
  27. Validate Current URL: Checks if the current URL matches the expected URL. Useful for ensuring you are on the right page. 
  28. Blur Element: Simulates removing focus from an element. Useful to test behavior when an element loses focus. 
  29. Focus: Moves focus to a specified element. Use it to test what happens when an element gains focus, such as triggering an event. 
  30. Force Click: Forces a click on an element, bypassing any conditions that would normally prevent a click. Useful for testing elements that are overlapped or hidden. 
  31. Select First Element: Selects the first occurrence of a specified element. Use it when dealing with multiple elements of the same type. 
  32. Select Last Element: Selects the last occurrence of a specified element. Similar to the above, but for the last element. 
  33. Next Element: Selects the next sibling element in the DOM. Useful for testing elements that appear next to a specific element. 
  34. Next All Elements: Selects all sibling elements that come after a specified element. Use it to test subsequent elements in the flow. 
  35. Should Not Equal: Asserts that a value does not equal another value. Useful for negative testing scenarios. 
  36. Should Include: Asserts that a value includes a specific substring or element. Use it to verify partial matches. 
  37. Should Be Null: Asserts that a value is null. Useful when testing for the absence of a value. 
  38. Should Be Empty: Asserts that an element or value is empty. Use it to test for the absence of content. 
  39. Should Equal: Asserts that a value equals another value. Use it to validate that expected values match actual results. 
  40. Should Be Greater Than: Asserts that a value is greater than a specified value. Useful for numerical comparisons. 
  41. Should Be Less Than: Asserts that a value is less than a specified value. Similar to the above but for lower values. 
  42. Have Attribute: Checks if an element has a specific attribute with a certain value. Use it to verify HTML attributes like id, class, etc. 
  43. Contain Text: Verifies that an element contains specific text. Useful for checking text content on the page. 
  44. Enter: Simulates pressing the “Enter” key. Use it to test form submissions or actions triggered by pressing “Enter”. 
  45. Should Be Hidden: Asserts that an element is hidden. Use it to check if elements are not visible or display is set to “none.” 
  46. Should Be Selected: Checks if an option in a dropdown is selected. Use it to ensure the correct option is chosen. 
  47. Should Be Checked: Verifies if a checkbox or radio button is checked. Use it to validate form states. 
  48. Click Element Using Text: Clicks an element based on its text content. Useful when identifying elements by their text. 
  49. Wait: Pauses test execution for a specified period or until a condition is met. Use it to wait for elements to appear, animations to complete, etc. 

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